Author: VI Tree Service

Watch Out for Common Tree Diseases!

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canada offer information about common tree diseases Tree Diseases to Look Out For Many homeowners know that proper tree health is important, but not all homeowners understand the extent to which this is the case. Failure to carry out proper tree care and monitor plant health care can be detrimental considering […]

Determining Whether a Tree is Dead or Dormant

Expert tree service in Vancouver, BC, Canada teaches tree owners about tree dormancy.  Defining “Dormancy” Deciduous trees are marked by periods of rapid growth over the summer and periods of dormancy in the winter. Dormancy is the time of the year where the tree rests and prepares for another vigorous growing season next year.  Dormancy […]

Lowering the Chance of Oak Tree Decline

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canada offer a comprehensive overview of oak tree decline for homeowners Basics of Oak Tree Decline Oak tree decline is a pervasive issue among homeowners. While oak tree is an extremely popular species, it is also one that has suffered noticeably over the past few decades. But many homeowners struggle to […]

Best Summer Tree Care Practices

Tree Care Experts in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Share Tips For Summer Tree Care Essentials for Proper Summer Tree Care Each season brings with it a unique set of problems for tree care. The high temperatures of summer can affect trees much like they can affect humans. Too much heat can make them sick and put […]

Debunking Common Tree Myths

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canada address common misconceptions about trees and tree care Don’t Fall Victim to Common Tree Myths These days, there is an overabundance of resources that claim to offer homeowners best practices and advice when it comes to caring for their homes. Sometimes this information is true, and sometimes this information is […]

Keep the Planet Green with These Sustainability Changes!

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canadashare ways that homeowners can improve their sustainability Eco-Friendly Changes for Homeowners With Earth Day just around the corner, many homeowners are wondering how they can be more sustainable. Well, there are many ways! People may often think sustainability is a daunting task, but in reality, small changes in behaviour can […]