Blackened Tree Trunks: What Is the Cause?

Tree health professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia, describe the different forms of tree disease and infestation that can cause black bark and leaves.

The Three Major Causes of Blackened Bark and Their Solutions

Spring is a time of growth for more than just the plants and animals people desire to see in their yards. Harmful things can grow in spring as well, and if a homeowner notices that a tree that should be green and thriving is looking black in the bark and sickly in the leaf, there is definitely cause for concern. The tree may have fallen prey to a pest infestation, a fungal or bacterial infection, or simply stress. 

This does not mean that tree removal is inevitable, however. The tree may still be healthy enough to save with professional tree health care. Let’s look at these three big problems for trees.

Culprit #1: Tree Stress

We don’t often think about plants being under stress, which is certainly not the same emotional situation humans experience. It is more that plants, as living things, have to deal with adverse conditions. Trees thrive in certain soil types, with a certain pH and nutrients. If any of these are dramatically changed, it can cause stress on the tree. Damage from a storm or extreme tree pruning can leave the tree vulnerable to disease. These adverse situations can cause a tree to go into shock and die. They can recover if given good nutrition and proper amounts of water. 

Culprit #2: Tree Disease

There are many different fungal and bacterial infections that can cause blackening in the trunk of trees and leaf malformation. These infections tend to affect the tree’s nutrition and moisture uptake, resulting in wilting or tiny leaves. Scorched-looking leaves or trunks can be the result of physical damage or a tree disease known as fire blight. A few other common diseases are in the list below.

  • Anthracnose
  • Bacterial Cankers
  • Bacterial Wetwood
  • Black Knot
  • Gloomy Scale
  • Sooty Mold
  • Verticillium Wilt

A certified arborist can identify these diseases and offer a treatment plan for the tree, whether that means precision tree pruning or doses of fungicide. A tree service company has the equipment and know-how to keep your trees green and thriving for as long as possible.

Culprit #3: Tree Pest Invasion

Insects are another serious threat to some trees. Sucking insects and borers can find weak spots in the bark and are soon infesting the tree. These invasions often steal nutrients from the tree and keep it from sustaining itself. A few examples of pests in this area of the country include:

  • Looper Moth Caterpillars: These have been overrunning trees in our area, causing huge numbers of trees to be cut down.
  • Emerald Ash Borer: Though these nasty bugs typically only attack ash trees, they are regularly seen in this area.

About VI Tree Service

Serving Vancouver, BC, Vancouver Island, and the surrounding areas, VI Tree Service is proud to be an environmentally responsible tree service company with over 50 years of experience. Call today for a free quote and fully guaranteed work.