The Many Benefits of Shade Trees

Vancouver, British Columbia-based tree service professionals explain why shade trees are beneficial and what homeowners can do to ensure the best tree health care.

How Shade Trees Help Homeowners and How They Can Help Their Trees

Everyone with any knowledge of trees understands their importance as living things and how they help keep the planet cooler and oxygenated. This is, however, a very broad umbrella of benefits. It is sometimes something that people understand as a concept but don’t see the direct impact it has on their lives.

This article will discuss the direct value that shade trees add to both a piece of property and that they have to human health.

How Trees Benefit Property

Mature trees are attractive to home buyers, and this is why they are often listed in real estate advertising. Curb appeal is just one of the most often discussed benefits of trees on a piece of property. Beauty certainly counts for something, but there are many other reasons to have trees.

Let’s detail a few of them:

  • Trees provide extra insulation for the house, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter by shielding the home against direct sun and wind.
  • The insulation aspect discussed above keeps energy costs down. Having trees on the east or west side of the house can increase energy efficiency by up to 35%.
  • Having shade trees on the property can increase home value as curb appeal is often a leading driver for increasing a home’s price.

These are perhaps the most direct benefits for a home, but how can having shade trees improve individuals’ lives? The next section will explore that.

How Trees Benefit People

Shade trees are more than something that people merely have to clean up after in the fall. They can actually have health advantages for people. Trees provide an area that promotes physical, emotional, and social wellness. Let’s examine how this plays out.

  • Physical Health: Shade trees can lower the temperature by 4 degrees Fahrenheit, making it more comfortable in a shaded yard. Due to thermodynamics, the temperature underneath a tree can actually be 25 degrees lower than it would be in the sun. This keeps people cooler and allows them to do more outside activity, which promotes a healthy body. The shade also protects skin from harmful sun exposure, preventing burning.
  • Emotional Health: Being outside has been shown to boost not only physical health but also emotional health. Relaxing or having a picnic under the shade of a tree can be a great mood lifter. 
  • Social Health: It is easier to get together with people if they have a comfortable place to hang out. Trees can provide space for seating and decor, creating a celebratory atmosphere. 

Trees are directly beneficial to people, and people can also have a direct impact on trees. Let’s look at the best plant health care to make trees thrive.

How People Can Implement Successful Tree Care

Though trees are the longest-lived plants and typically outlive humans in many cases, that does not mean that they don’t need care. Careful tree pruning and tree trimming are important to keep the tree growing correctly. Calling a tree service company and setting up an annual tree risk assessment with a certified arborist to check for tree disease will help the tree thrive as long as possible.

About VI Tree Service

With over 50 years of combined experience, VI Tree Service provides excellent customer care and 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Call today for free estimates and affordable pricing in Vancouver, BC, and the surrounding areas.

The Basics of Tree Lichens

Tree health care professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia, share a bit about this lovely and beneficial organism.

Lichens: What Are They?

If an older tree in your yard seems to be covered with moss-like growths, does this mean it’s infested with pests or has contracted a tree disease?

In most cases, it’s likely not a problem that needs to be solved. Tree lichen, which does not attack the tree, shows that the air around it is of high quality and that moisture and sunlight are available to sustain it.

Lichens are prevalent throughout the world, even in the places that are most inhospitable to life. This article will cover exactly what lichens are and what they do for the environment.

The Symbiotic Partnership that Creates Lichens

Lichens are actually a construct built through the symbiosis of two or more organisms from completely different biological kingdoms.

Unlike a parasite and its host, organisms that have a symbiotic relationship are actually each beneficial to the other. They look like plants, but they are not.

The three organisms that can compose a lichen are listed below.

  • Algae: There are multiple types of algae from the kingdom Protista that bloom in various bodies of water, both saltwater and freshwater. Lichens can be formed from brown, red, green, and gold.
  • Bacteria: It is a fairly recent discovery that what was known as blue-green algae is actually cyanobacteria. It is the only bacteria(kingdom Monera) that form lichens.
  • Fungus: From the kingdom of the same name, fungi are plant-like growths that reproduce via spores and do not have chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Mushrooms and toadstools are the primary examples of this.

The relationship formed provides food for the fungus which benefits from the photosynthesis of the algae (or bacteria) and provides protection and moisture for the algae which normally cannot live outside water.

Where Can Lichens Live?

As previously mentioned in the introduction, lichens can live practically anywhere. Most, however, do thrive in moist and temperate climates. They can be found from one pole to the other and can be very hardy.

They have been discovered growing:

  • In the Arctic
  • In the desert
  • On rocks
  • On soil
  • On tree bark and inner branches
  • On rusty metal and
  • On plastic.

They produce oxygen like plants, trees, and algae do, helping maintain the beauty and habitability of our world. They also act as air quality indicators because they tend to start vanishing as pollution increases. They are not bad for trees because they do not penetrate through the bark.

What Do Lichens Look Like?

Lichens’ physical growth depends on the type of fungus they are formed from.

There are three types of lichen: crustose, foliose, and fruticose.

Crustose (crust-like) lichen forms a thin layer of bright growth that is nearly flush with the surface on which it grows.

Foliose, or leaf-like, lichen looks more raised, and the growths are leaf-shaped.

Fruticose lichen is hairlike or tube-like and is the type that most resemble moss.

About VI Tree Service

Serving Vancouver, BC, and the surrounding areas, VI Tree Service has more than 50 years of combined experience and employs internally certified arborists to better serve its customers. Call today for a free estimate.

Blackened Tree Trunks: What Is the Cause?

Tree health professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia, describe the different forms of tree disease and infestation that can cause black bark and leaves.

The Three Major Causes of Blackened Bark and Their Solutions

Spring is a time of growth for more than just the plants and animals people desire to see in their yards. Harmful things can grow in spring as well, and if a homeowner notices that a tree that should be green and thriving is looking black in the bark and sickly in the leaf, there is definitely cause for concern. The tree may have fallen prey to a pest infestation, a fungal or bacterial infection, or simply stress. 

This does not mean that tree removal is inevitable, however. The tree may still be healthy enough to save with professional tree health care. Let’s look at these three big problems for trees.

Culprit #1: Tree Stress

We don’t often think about plants being under stress, which is certainly not the same emotional situation humans experience. It is more that plants, as living things, have to deal with adverse conditions. Trees thrive in certain soil types, with a certain pH and nutrients. If any of these are dramatically changed, it can cause stress on the tree. Damage from a storm or extreme tree pruning can leave the tree vulnerable to disease. These adverse situations can cause a tree to go into shock and die. They can recover if given good nutrition and proper amounts of water. 

Culprit #2: Tree Disease

There are many different fungal and bacterial infections that can cause blackening in the trunk of trees and leaf malformation. These infections tend to affect the tree’s nutrition and moisture uptake, resulting in wilting or tiny leaves. Scorched-looking leaves or trunks can be the result of physical damage or a tree disease known as fire blight. A few other common diseases are in the list below.

  • Anthracnose
  • Bacterial Cankers
  • Bacterial Wetwood
  • Black Knot
  • Gloomy Scale
  • Sooty Mold
  • Verticillium Wilt

A certified arborist can identify these diseases and offer a treatment plan for the tree, whether that means precision tree pruning or doses of fungicide. A tree service company has the equipment and know-how to keep your trees green and thriving for as long as possible.

Culprit #3: Tree Pest Invasion

Insects are another serious threat to some trees. Sucking insects and borers can find weak spots in the bark and are soon infesting the tree. These invasions often steal nutrients from the tree and keep it from sustaining itself. A few examples of pests in this area of the country include:

  • Looper Moth Caterpillars: These have been overrunning trees in our area, causing huge numbers of trees to be cut down.
  • Emerald Ash Borer: Though these nasty bugs typically only attack ash trees, they are regularly seen in this area.

About VI Tree Service

Serving Vancouver, BC, Vancouver Island, and the surrounding areas, VI Tree Service is proud to be an environmentally responsible tree service company with over 50 years of experience. Call today for a free quote and fully guaranteed work.

Helping The Environment One Tree At A Time


Tree service professionals of Vancouver, BC, share why taking care of your trees is eco-friendly.

How Proper Tree Trimming and Maintenance Is Beneficial for the Whole Ecosy2stem

As the longest-lived things on the planet, trees don’t really seem like living things that would need much help and attention from humans, and it’s true to say most trees don’t grow under the supervision of human beings. However, many trees in populated areas have been cultivated and need to be maintained by people. Neglecting tree maintenance can be bad for the whole property, including a residence or business. Let’s look at why we shouldn’t just allow trees to “grow on their own” and what environmental benefits proper tree health care can provide.

The Consequences of Neglecting Landscaping Trees

Trees may seem to grow well without the attention of homeowners, but there are consequences to not managing a yard’s trees. Some of the most significant problems are listed below.

  • Trees that are not managed can have overgrowth.
  • Overgrowth makes trees more susceptible to tree disease and pest infestation.
  • They can pull too many nutrients out of the soil.
  • The dead and dying limbs can be a hazard to people and property.
  • This unhealthy growth and lack of nutrition can shorten the longevity of the tree. 
  • Overgrown trees have poor curb appeal.

While a tree may look like it is doing well, it might be healthier and be better for the yard if they are trimmed and maintained by a trained individual.

How Tree Pruning and Trimming Helps the Environment

Healthy trees typically mean a healthier ecosystem. They also mitigate some of the problems that we have created as a society simply by existing. Let’s explore the environmental impact of well-maintained trees in the urban forest setting.

  • Carbon Storage: There has been a lot of talk lately about storing carbons below the ground, but trees absorb CO₂ as part of their photosynthetic process. 
  • Oxygen Production: Just as they absorb carbon dioxide, trees produce oxygen. 
  • Water Filtration: Tree roots can actually filter pollutants out of the water supply when they absorb water for hydration and nutrition.
  • Energy Use Reduction: This is particularly true for trees near homes. They provide a windbreak and shade that help regulate temperature, meaning the HVAC system has to run less.
  • Promotes Growth and Diversity: Biodiversity is important to any ecosystem. Trees help provide a pillar for that, keeping the soil moist and nutrient-rich. 

What Does Proper Tree Care Look Like?

When it comes to taking care of our trees, we may have the desire, but does the average homeowner know where to start? Since the answer is likely “no,” where should people start? They should start by consulting the pros, of course! A certified arborist has the training and the tools to keep trees green and growing for many years to come. Tree health care is as much a part of their business as tree risk assessment and tree removal. Let the professionals get your trees into the best possible condition.

About VI Tree Service 

VI Tree Service is proud of our reputation as an environmentally responsible tree service company. We have over 50 years of combined experience and serve Vancouver, BC, and the surrounding areas. Call today for an estimate.

5 High Maintenance Trees That Are Still Worth Planting In Vancouver, BC


 Tree health care professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia share what makes trees high maintenance and how they can still be a good investment.

Some Trees Are Worth Some Extra Work

Like most of the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver is fortunate enough to have mild winters with lots of rain and sunny, warm and dry summers. These temperate conditions are great for a wide variety of plant life and the spring and summer are truly spectacular in this part of the country bringing with the warmth a riot of color. Cultivating a home’s landscaping space can make for a small garden paradise or can end up being a burden. Choosing the right tree and tree service company are crucial for achieving the solace that every homeowner wants in their backyard. With the help of a certified arborist, even the trees discussed below can be worth it. 

Japanese Maple Tree

This highly ornamental member of the maple family goes by the Latin name Acer palmatum. Like the other members of this group of trees, they can be prone to pests and certain diseases that attack maples. Fast growing maple varieties also have a tendency toward weak branch systems and may need protection from strong winds. An arborist can help prevent tree disease and secure the tree to make sure the wind doesn’t cause damage.

Lombardy Poplar Tree

The Populus nigra “Italica” grows tall and gracefully narrow. They make an attractive windbreak, but are a short-lived species as trees go, not to mention they need regular pruning. This type of tree also is prone to diseases and pests.A tree service professional can help these trees thrive with regular soil testing, tree pruning, and tree risk assessment. 

Birch Tree

Their distinctive bark and silvery leaves make these trees very attractive for landscaping. Unfortunately, these Betula trees have many pests that are specific to their tree type. An example is the bronze birch borer. They also need moist soil and take in a lot of water.

Cypress Tree

The Cupressus family of trees needs special attention when it comes to controlling their size and shape. Regular pruning is typically required to keep a cypress in check. They are also susceptible to certain diseases and pests. Again, some preventive maintenance by a certified arborist can keep them thriving.

Willow Tree

The lovely willow or Salix family of trees is fast growing, which makes it good for yard coverage, but they have strong widely spreading root systems that can be problematic for drainage systems and concrete. These beautiful trees can be well placed if the advice of a professional is taken into account and measures are put in place. 

Consult an Arborist

When thinking about what trees to use in landscaping, it is highly recommended that a homeowner or business owner consult with a tree service pro like a certified arborist. They can tell you the best trees for your area and advise you where to put them as well as doing the planting, fertilizing, and tree pruning. 

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service is proud to serve Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the surrounding communities with excellent and experienced tree service. We have more than 50 years combined experience, so call today for a free quote.

Play It Tree Smart: Hire A Certified Arborist For Tree Removal

Tree service professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia share why it’s always a good idea to hire a professional for tree health care.

3 Reasons A Certified Arborist Should Be Involved in Residential and Commercial Tree Removal

Does your yard have a dead or dying tree? It can be very tempting to decide to bring it down all on your own, but there may be unintended consequences of that decision. Instead of having a tree removed, a person could end up in the hospital or with a broken window or roof damage, not to mention damaged and dangerous electrical lines. While these may be the worst case scenarios, they do happen and a person who is not a certified arborist cannot be prepared for the unpredictability that comes with working with trees. People tend to think of trees as familiar and safe, but when it comes to taking one down, it takes training, equipment and strategy.

Arborists Have the Tree Know-How

To say a subject like trees is pretty broad is, well, a bit of an understatement. The field of arboricultural studies is extensive and varies depending on the part of the world a person is in. There are degrees in the field and certification requires passing a stiff assessment. And those who desire to work with trees should have experience working with trees. It is one thing to be able to identify a particular type of tree like an oak, a maple, or a cedar, it is another thing entirely to know the best way to treat tree diseases and pests.

Below are a few examples of what arborist know:

  • Tree Health Care: This means soil testing, fertilizer application, mulching, landscaping and treatment for pests and disease. This, rather than cutting down trees, is the main part of an arborist’s job.
  • Tree Risk Assessment: This gauges the general health of the tree, but also the risk to property if something were to cause the tree to fall. This is part of the strategy that a tree service company uses for planning tree removal.
  • Tree Trimming and Pruning: These are not just interchangeable words, they mean two different things. Pruning is for the good of the tree, trimming is for aesthetic or practical concerns.
  • Tree Removal: Finally, arborists are trained in how to remove trees with the proper equipment and minimal danger.  

Arborists Are Properly Equipped

It’s easy to borrow a ladder or a chainsaw from a neighbor or family member, but it may be harder to obtain some of the safety gear and larger machinery that a tree service professional has at their disposal. 

A few examples of tools in an arborist’s kit include:

  • Steel-toed boots
  • Chainsaw
  • Cherry Picker truck
  • Climbing Gear
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Gloves
  • Hand saw
  • Hard hat
  • Loppers
  • Rope
  • Winch

Arborists Have Insurance

What if a homeowner has access to a large number of tools and knows all about trees? Well, they still probably don’t have insurance that can cover damage or injury from cutting down a tree. This is another major reason to hire pros, because the homeowner has peace of mind and no extra money out of their pockets no matter what happens. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your free time.

About VI Tree Service

If you are looking for an environmentally responsible tree service company, look no further than VI Tree Service. Call for 50 years combined experience and excellent service throughout Vancouver, BC and the surrounding areas.

What To Do About Browning Evergreens


Tree health care experts of Vancouver, British Columbia share reasons a newly transplanted evergreen might have brown needles or leaves.

Reasons an Evergreen Tree Might Turn Brown

Whether or not you are an arborist, you will likely understand the words “evergreen tree” to indicate a tree that is always covered in green needles or leaves. These types of trees do not lose their foliage in the yearly cyclical pattern that deciduous trees do.

That is part of their appeal. Though they do have definite periods of fast versus slow growth, they really take the spotlight when late fall and winter come around. But if you are here, you may have been unsettled to notice brown patches on your evergreen.

This article will explain why this might be happening, and what homeowners can do about it.

Why Is This Evergreen Turning Brown?

There are several reasons that an evergreen can begin to have brown spots. The first reason is normal growth patterns. If the browning is toward the bottom of the tree and toward the trunk, then this is likely part of the natural tree growth and is nothing to be concerned about.

If even the tips of the branches are brown it can be the result of these other, more sinister, things:

  • Pest infestation
  • Root damage
  • Transplant shock
  • Tree Disease
  • Trunk damage
  • Too little water
  • Winter burn

Can I Help the Tree Get Its Green Back?

Sometimes the best remedy for browning evergreens is simply time. A homeowner should observe the tree and see if it shows any other signs of problems.

If half or more of the tree has gone brown, you are likely looking at tree removal, because it is unlikely that it can be saved, but if it is only a small portion of the tree there may be hope.

Ways to prevent the tree from experiencing shock in transplanting and also to care for it are detailed below.

  • Planting: Follow instructions when planting a tree. Dig the hole the right depth and width for the root system and make sure the soil is good for that type of tree. Trees should be planted in spring to allow them time to become established.
  • Watering: Young trees need about an inch of water a week. If your area doesn’t get regular rain, you need to be sure that your tree is getting sufficient hydration.
  • Mulching: Mulch helps lock moisture in and provides a slowly decaying source of soil nutrition. It also helps prevent root damage from extreme temperature changes. It should be 2 inches thick and 5 inches from the trunk.
  • Pruning: Trimming off dead or browning branches can be helpful in allowing a tree to recover.
  • Wrapping: Using burlap to help insulate a tree’s trunk can prevent winter burn.
  • Call an Arborist: A certified professional can hlep you determine the best course of action for your tree.

Evergreens That Grow Well in Vancouver, BC

Some of the common evergreens that grow well in this area of the world include Eastern Red Cedar and American Arborvitae. The Leyland cypress is a great choice for a drought resistant and fast-growing tree.

About VI Tree Service

As an environmentally responsible tree service company in Vancouver, BC, Vi Tree Service strives to serve all their customers and their trees with great service and affordable pricing.

We offer free estimates and have over 50 years total experience. Call today for an estimate in Vancouver, BC or the surrounding areas.

Support Cables for Trees: Why Do Arborists Use Them?


Tree service professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia explain the rationale behind tree cabling and bracing.

Strengthening Healthy Trees Though Support Cabling

Throughout the ages, trees have been symbols of strength and longevity. Trees such as red cedars, oaks, and giant redwoods are all types of trees that have stood both in the minds of people and in the physical world as examples of endurance and the power of nature. As humanity spreads across the world, building structures and creating their own form of order, sometimes trees become hazards that struggle to carry the heavy weight of their own branches. This is why arborists have developed a support system for trees known as cabling or bracing which keeps the tree heavy and sturdy while protecting the people and properties that surround it. This article will discuss the whys and wherefores of this unique arboricultural tree training method. 

What is Tree Cabling and Bracing?

Trees grow in such a way that they get the most benefit from the sun. This is sometimes inconvenient for the human constructed structures around them. Tree service companies often use tree trimming or tree pruning to accomplish the task of protecting both tree and property, but sometimes that is either unnecessary or not recommended.

Cabling is the use of either rope or steel cable to create a support for certain branches on a tree. Bracing, using rods, is also done to the trunk or large branches.

There are two types of support systems: static and dynamic. Static systems are those made of cable or rods and are drilled directly into the tree. These provide stronger, longer-lasting support, while dynamic support with rope allows a bit more for the natural movement of the tree.

Reasons for Cable Support Systems

If a tree is in a dangerous position in relation to a home or other building, even a mild storm or moderate winds can cause damage. Cabling is often used as a preventative measure for vulnerable branches.

This method can only be done on healthy trees, because trees that are full of pests or tree disease will merely continue to decline and the support system may not work at all.

Reasons for a tree to have a cable support system installed are:

  • Healing: Cabling can help a tree heal cracks from storm damage or other harmful scenarios.
  • Prevention: It can keep damage from happening to heavy branches and keep them from falling and damaging property or injuring people.
  • Co-Dominant Branches: This is a spot on the tree where two large branches meet. It is also called a V-crotch because it shapes what looks like the letter V. It can be a vulnerable point for a tree, especially an older and larger one.
  • Leaning Trunk: If the root system of a tree has been affected or the soil around the tree  has changed, a tree can begin to lean. Bracing or cabling can provide a stable foundation for the tree to grow again.

A Guide to Tree Cabling

A certified arborist should be the one performing a cable installation after a thorough tree risk assessment.

The steps they will likely follow in installing a static support system are listed below.

  • Decide the location of the cables and support branches.
  • Drill holes for the cable.
  • Thread the cable through the holes.
  • Cap the cable and tighten it.
  • Adjust as needed.
  • Remove excess cable.
  • Inspect annually.

About VI Tree Service

For more than 30 years, VI Tree Service has proudly provided excellent tree care for the entire Vancouver, BC area. We offer 24 hour emergency response and affordable pricing. Call today for a quote. 

How Trees Help Solve the Problem of Noise Pollution


Vancouver, British Columbia based tree service professionals encourage their customers to think green when considering sound barriers.

Can Trees Reduce Noise?

It is pretty widely recognized, though often not acknowledged, that loud sounds are a form of pollution that plagues cities in a similar way to the noxious greenhouse gasses that create smog.

Loud noises, no matter the pitch, can contribute to health problems in the people that are exposed to them. Though the industrial revolution left us with much innovation, there are still areas that need work, and pollution is one of them.

Trees are not only good for clean air, they are also a great help when it comes to unwanted sounds. 

Health Problems that are Associated with Noise Pollution

Everyone knows that it is very easy for sound to interrupt an individual person’s sleep. Sleep deprivation in and of itself can lead to serious health issues. Our bodies often express physical signs of stress when our ears are assaulted with loud and obnoxious sounds.

Some of the problems that can result directly or indirectly from noise pollution are included in the list below:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Distractedness
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Stroke
  • Hearing loss

The Physics of How Trees Mitigate Noise 

Trees, as the largest and longest lived things on the planet, have to endure a great deal of change over the course of their lives. They are resilient and adaptable in their native soils and habitats. Because of the density of their bark and trunks and the way their branches and roots grow, they are able to withstand sound waves and even help to dampen them.

There are four scientific principles at work in this case. Each of these will be fully described below.

  • Absorbing Noise: As energy waves move through different forms of matter, the energy is taken into those things the waves pass through. Even trees that are a short distance apart can shield against noise. The growth of the root system seems to prime the soil for sound absorption.
  • Reflecting Noise: Due to the hard surface of the tree’s trunk and branches, sound can bounce off the tree back toward its source. It is a physical barrier that not all sound can cross. Overlapping leaves also assist in this. 
  • Refracting Noise: This is similar to deflecting or reflecting, but it sends the sound waves off in a different direction than it was originally traveling, as when light goes through a prism or enters water or some other liquid. 
  • Interfering with Other Noise: Trees, like other living things, produce their own noise that can disrupt other sounds. This muffles the sounds that come from the other side of the trees.

Which Trees Work Best for Noise Suppression

Though, as one might expect, hardwoods such as oaks are the best for noise absorption, deciduous trees are not the best choice overall for tempering sound year round. The lack of foliage during the  late fall through the early spring gives around 6 months of less surface area and more trouble noise.

Evergreens have been shown to be the most consistent when it comes to noise suppression. There are many such trees that are native to this area and will grow quickly and thrive here. Consult with an arborist when making a choice for landscaping for privacy and sound reduction.

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service has been a reliable tree service company from Vancouver, BC, across Vancouver Island and beyond. We have more than 50 years of arboricultural experience. Call today for a free quote.

Alien Species: Plants and Trees That Have Invaded Vancouver, BC

Tree health care professionals of Vancouver, British Columbia discuss the detrimental effects of invasive plant species.

Invasive Plants And Trees And What To Do About Them

Vancouver and all of the province of British Columbia is known for the beauty of its landscaping and its natural forests. Even here, there are plants that have crept in that don’t belong. The question may arise, if a plant is thriving in an area, how can it be problematic?

Intuitively, it would seem that a plant that thrives would belong in the ecosystem in which it is growing, but that is not the case with plants that are known as invasive or alien species.

The following paragraphs will explain why these plants harm the local environment and what people can do to help.

Why Are Non-Native Species Problematic?

As previously stated, it might seem good for a plant to thrive in a new environment. This is not entirely wrong. Some species can become naturalized, or integrate themselves harmoniously into the local ecosystem.

Other plants, whether they are brought in accidentally with a shipment of other things or they are introduced on purpose for landscaping and decoration, can wreak havoc on local flora and fauna.

A few of the ways alien species cause problems for native environments are listed below:

  • Disrupts Food Web: Alien species can be harmful to the animals that normally feed on plants. Giant hogweed is a perfect example of this. Its sap can actually cause blistering and sun sensitivity.
  • Steals Nutrients and Sunlight: Fast growing plants like English ivy can cover up other plants, smothering them and keeping them from getting sunlight. They can also rob the soil of nutrients.
  • Harms Pollinators: Butterflies and moths often need specific plants for laying their eggs. Many plants may attract them for food, but the population will not continue without the plants they need for reproduction. Monarchs and milkweed are the best examples of this phenomenon.

What are the Worst Invasive Species in This Area?

Some of the most invasive plants in all of British Columbia are listed below. These plants can cause difficulties for other plantlife and animal life throughout the province.

  • Giant Hogweed
  • Common Tansy
  • Yellow and Orange Hawkweed
  • Japanese Knotweed
  • English Holly
  • English Ivy
  • Himalayan Blackberry

Sometimes it can be difficult to identify invasive species without proper training, so if you suspect there is a non-native plant in your yard, there are several things you can do.

What Can We Do About It?

One of the easiest ways to help promote native growth is to plant native. Native plants and trees will attract helpful insects and animals and will thrive. If a homeowner does suspect that they have an invasive species, they should consult an arborist.

A tree service company can assist in tree removal and plant removal. Some of these alien species are difficult to get rid of and need special attention.  A certified arborist can help you choose the right flora for your yard that will help the overall environment.

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service of Vancouver, BC provides excellent tree and plant health care for all of Vancouver island. We not only offer tree removal, tree trimming, and tree pruning, we also offer landscaping services and arboricultural consultation. Call today for an estimate.