Professionals in tree health care from Vancouver, British Columbia share ways to make sure your tree care is not causing damage to other plants and animals.
What Does It Mean To Use Sustainable Tree Care?
Sustainability is a bit of a buzzword these days. Everyone seems to be talking about clean energy and making sure practices are sustainable, that is, able to be done and maintain balance in the natural world. It is easy to see that some practices humans have indulged in the past are not sustainable, but does that apply to our residential lawns and gardens?
Actually, there are right and wrong ways to take care of your plants and trees, and that is what this article is going to discuss.
Trees Are Good for the Environment, How Would Caring For Them Be Bad for It?
You may be wondering how it is possible to keep a tree healthy yet harm other parts of the landscape, but it is possible. There are also some things that are done to trees for the convenience of buildings and people that may do more harm than good. Practices like “topping” where a large part of a tree’s crown is removed can be damaging to the tree as well as to any birds or other animals that may make the tree their home.
This may not seem like a practice that should fall under “tree care,” so let’s look at other examples.
- Pesticides that are meant to protect the tree from harmful bugs can harm other animals, especially pollinators like bees and butterflies. Pets can also be harmed by contact with these chemical compounds.
- Herbicides and fungicides that may protect against tree disease and weeds may harm the other natural vegetation of the area.
- Non-native plants can be very pretty but can spread rapidly and destroy an ecosystem if they are not kept in check.
Tree and Plant Health Care That Benefits Everyone
Trees are an absolutely essential part of the ecosystem in British Columbia. We should be working to help them thrive, not only for their ability to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide but also because they create habitats and produce food for animals. The best way to take care of trees is to do it in the most natural way possible, imitating the conditions in which they would grow in the wild.
- Plant Native: Choose native plants that naturally thrive in the environment you live in. Not only will these grow well, but if they spread, they will not be competing with other native plants for space and choking them out.
- Water Slowly: Use a soaker hose to water trees. This allows the water to penetrate deeply without oversaturating and causing a destabilization of the roots.
- Use Mulch and Organic Fertilizer: Mulch serves at least three different purposes. It gives the landscaping a uniform look. It provides insulation against extreme heat and cold, and organic mulch provides nutrients as it decays.
Consult with an Arborist
If you are looking to have your soil analyzed or need help in tree pruning, then call a reliable local tree service company. Certified arborists are there to help you take care of your trees, not just deal with tree risk assessment and tree removal. If you are unsure how to help your tree thrive, an arborist will be more than happy to assist.
About VI Tree Service
Offering affordable pricing and excellent client care in Vancouver, BC and the surrounding areas, VI Tree Service is equipped to provide safe and speedy tree service. Call today for a free estimate.