Mulch 101: The Basics of Mulching for Trees and Gardens

Vancouver, BC tree experts offer a crash course in all things mulch.

Everything you Wanted to Know About Mulching But Were Afraid to Ask

Yards are the perfect blend of nature and civilization. There is structure and order created by human hands using the plants and trees that might indeed flourish on their own, but also need tending because they are not in what might be considered their natural habitat. Landscaping and vegetation management tend to the needs of these plants and provide the best possible environment for them to grow in.  This is the point where the human must imitate the cycle that would normally happen in the natural world. This is part of the reason for mulching – because it mirrors the cycle of death and renewal present in wilder outdoors.  

The Dirt on Mulch: What is it?

Mulch in and of itself actually has a straightforward definition. It is merely something that covers dirt, or the top layer of the ground.  It can be organic or inorganic. It comes in small pieces and can be used for nourishment, or protection, or as a deterrent to unwanted plants and animals, or as all of the above. It can be used for both aesthetic and practical purposes. 

The Many Different Types of Mulch

Mulch comes in two basic types: organic and inorganic.  The discussion of inorganic mulch will be brief as that is not the focus of this particular article, but it is an important part of landscaping. Inorganic mulch is used for beautification and to mark paths, as well as functioning as a weed barrier and deterrent to digging. 

Examples of Inorganic Mulch:

  • Pebbles
  • Crush Dust
  • Recycled Rubber
  • Landscaping Plastic 

Organic mulch, on the other hand, covers all of the above list plus being a natural way to nourish the soil. 

Examples of Organic Mulch:

  • Wood Chips or Nuggets
  • Straw
  • Grass clippings
  • Compost
  • Shredded newspaper

Is Mulching Really That Important?

In the natural order of the wilderness, fallen leaves, sticks, and excrement fall on the ground and are reabsorbed into the soil. This process of decay nourishes the dirt and feeds the plants that grow out of it. There are, however, many other reasons for mulching.

  • Moisture: Water is protected from the sun and heat and thereby evaporation by the layer of mulch. This gives plants and trees the chance to absorb the water for themselves.
  • Temperature Regulation: Mulching provides protection against the extremes of weather. The soil stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
  • Weed Barriers: Weeds are less likely to germinate because they cannot get direct sunlight. Any weeds that do grow can be easily plucked from the loose mulch.
  • Protects Soil Quality: Not only does the mulch nourish the soil, but it also protects the soil from being compacted which makes it difficult for roots to grow and for water to filter through.

Technique: Mulching Properly

The main thing about mulch is that there is a careful balance between what is helpful and what can do harm. There can be too much of a good thing and there can be so little that it makes no impact. Too much mulch can lead to rotting roots and trunks and infestations of pests and plant disease. Too little can lead to dry crumbly soil and plants that are undernourished and struggle to grow. 

In general, mulch should be between 2 and 4 inches in depth. Tree care requires leaving the mulch in a doughnut shape around the tree, leaving the trunk and root flare open to the air.  

About VI Tree Service

We at VI Tree Service have been providing excellent customer service and reasonable prices since the start of the company in 1990. With over 50 years of experience, we know how to do a job right the first time. Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Best Summer Tree Care Practices

Tree Care Experts in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Share Tips For Summer Tree Care

Essentials for Proper Summer Tree Care

Each season brings with it a unique set of problems for tree care. The high temperatures of summer can affect trees much like they can affect humans. Too much heat can make them sick and put them in danger. When combined with limited water, the problems can only grow. So it’s so important to practice proper tree care in the hot summer months! Read on to find out how. 

The Magic of Mulch

Strategic mulching does a lot for a tree’s health and it’s an essential part of summer tree care. But there are certain places where mulch should not be placed, like directly around the base of the tree. Instead, the ring of organic mulch around a tree should start a couple of inches from the trunk and extend out a bit from the tree. Usually, a couple of feet is ideal. This creates a nice donut of mulch around the tree that helps to protect the roots and provides key nutrients for soil maintenance.   

Watering and Irrigation are Key

Trees can pull a lot of water from the soil in the summer. The hotter it gets, the more water trees need. This proper watering is so important for summer tree care. Many people water trees with a simple garden hose set to dribble for a couple of hours. Others have irrigation systems set up that water trees automatically on a timer. Either way is fine, but those with irrigation systems should make sure to check them for leaks, clogs, and other issues that could affect proper watering. Those who use hoses should set a time so they don’t overwater the trees.

The soil should never be muddy. In fact, it’s okay for some areas of the soil around the tree to be dry while others are moist. Watering should be kept to the area under the tree branches and a little bit further out. Watering the foliage and the tree trunk can be detrimental. 

Inspecting Trees for Pests

One vital aspect of tree health care is a pest inspection. Early summer is a great time for pest inspections performed by an arborist. Of course, it’s possible for homeowners to do some research and inspect their trees themselves, but a professional tree service company will often catch things that homeowners won’t. These inspections can keep trees happy and healthy for many seasons to come. 

How to Handle Weak Limbs

During the heat of summer, previously struggling limbs can become weak. These limbs are often discoloured, their leaves a darker colour than those around them. Luckily, when caught early, a tree service company can often do cabling or bracing to prevent the branch from dying or posing a falling hazard. 

Of course, weak branches can become dead branches if they’re not caught early on. If this happens, tree trimming is often required. Removing dead branches in the summer is a last resort, and should only be done when absolutely necessary for the health of the tree. 

Pruning and Tree Removal

Sometimes the only course of action to keep a tree healthy is by pruning it. Tree pruning, especially in the summer, is best done by a professional. Removing branches from a tree can stress it during the hot summer months. This is why pruning is best done in the fall when most trees are dormant. An arborist can perform a tree risk assessment to determine if pruning should be done immediately or if there’s another course of action to take. 

Many homeowners call for tree removal services in the summer, as well. It’s the time of year when yard work and home projects are in full swing, and getting rid of that old tree stump is often on the list. So whether there’s a dead tree that needs to be removed or a stump that needs to be taken out, it’s always a good idea to let a professional company handle it. This prevents both safety hazards, and the headaches involved with tree removal!

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service has been serving Vancouver, BC, Canada, since 1990. They offer fantastic client care and affordable pricing. They also provide free estimates and always guarantee their work. 

Debunking Common Tree Myths

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canada address common misconceptions about trees and tree care

Don’t Fall Victim to Common Tree Myths

These days, there is an overabundance of resources that claim to offer homeowners best practices and advice when it comes to caring for their homes. Sometimes this information is true, and sometimes this information is completely and utterly false.

Homeowners who have trees around their house or who are interested in growing trees will likely find conflicting information online that can make the tree care process quite confusing. But fret not! Here is a rundown of 3 of the most common myths and why homeowners should hire an expert to handle all of their immediate and future tree needs.

Myth 1: Trees are Dangerous

One of the most common tree myths is that trees are dangerous. That is, many people think trees can cause significant damage, particularly when there are falling tree branches that can harm homes, sidewalks, or even people! The fact of the matter is that in most cases, trees are only dangerous when not properly cared for.

If homeowners are simply dealing with tree stumps, then safety is less of a concern. However, if they are dealing with fully-grown trees, then they need to ensure those trees are properly cared for. This is where tree pruning and tree trimming become very important and, in severe cases, full tree removal if necessary. This will prevent any dangers that would otherwise occur with improper care.

Myth 2: Tree Wounds Can Heal

Another tree myth is that trees are self-healing. That is, if there are wounds or various abrasions, the affected areas can return to a normal and healthy state. In reality, trees perform compartmentalization, a process in which they isolate the injured tissue and separate it from the rest of the healthy tree.

As such, it is very important to avoid damage to any healthy part of a tree since this will have permanent implications. Likewise, pruning to control dead branches and other affected areas can help with overall tree health care.

Myth 3: Trees Are Easy to Plant – Anyone Can Do It!

Last but not least, one of the final myths is that trees are easy to plant. Yes, technically anyone can plant a tree, but it is false to say that anyone can plant a tree correctly. The fact of the matter is that successful tree planting requires careful planning and execution.

There are a number of factors that go into planting and caring for a tree. Some examples include:

  • Location
  • Timing
  • Watering frequency
  • Treatments

The gist here is that tree planting is no easy business, and if homeowners truly want to successfully plant a tree in the long term, they should seek the help of professional arborists who know how to plan and execute properly.

Hire Experts to Avoid These Altogether!

At the end of the day, the best way to avoid these myths altogether (and the pitfalls that come along with believing them) is to hire a professional tree service company to handle any and all tree needs. If homeowners are in need of planting, tree service companies can handle that. If homeowners are in need of tree maintenance, then these companies can also perform tree risk assessments to determine where help is most needed!

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service of Vancouver, BC, Canada has been providing environmentally responsible tree services since 1990. With 50 years of combined experience, their team of highly skilled arborists offers free estimations, affordable pricing, efficient solutions, and responsible safety measures for each of their clients. Call them for tree help today!

Keep the Planet Green with These Sustainability Changes!

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canadashare ways that homeowners can improve their sustainability

Eco-Friendly Changes for Homeowners

With Earth Day just around the corner, many homeowners are wondering how they can be more sustainable. Well, there are many ways! People may often think sustainability is a daunting task, but in reality, small changes in behaviour can make a huge positive impact on the environment. Here are 5 ways for homeowners to improve sustainability.

1. Limit Water Consumption and Energy Use

Homeowners can drastically decrease their water consumption and energy use related to home appliances and technologies. This will not only help the environment, but it will also help to lower monthly energy bills!

Some easy ways to control water and energy consumption include:

  • Avoid half loads of laundry
  • Avoid pre-rinsing dishes
  • Hang clothes up instead of using a dryer
  • Limit A/C and heat usage by adjusting thermostat settings
  • Shorten shower time
  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Use energy efficiency lights

These changes require minimal additional costs and time, but they can make a huge difference in homeowners’ energy consumption.

2. Limit Paper Waste to Save Trees

Homeowners can save millions of trees by controlling their paper usage.
Some easy ways to limit paper waste include:

  • Cancelling paper bills and bank statements
  • Saving unused paper napkins
  • Unsubscribing to junk mail listings
  • Using e-tickets instead of printed ones
  • Using spare / old paper as scrap paper

One of the greatest benefits of technology is that it easily allows homeowners to go paper-free, so many of these changes (like cancelling bills or junk mail) can be made within a matter of minutes!

3. Reuse and Recycle

Reusing whenever possible is extremely helpful for the environment because it requires absolutely no energy! Homeowners can incorporate reuse techniques easily by purchasing reusable containers, utensils, and travel cups – all of these will help to decrease plastic waste.

If reuse is not possible, homeowners should be sure to recycle, particularly when it comes to aluminum, glass, and paper. Recycling greatly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, waste accumulation, and overall energy use. The amount of energy it takes to recycle aluminum and glass is considerably lower than the energy required to create new products from scratch. And recycling paper saves a significant amount of trees!

4. Plant New Trees and Maintain Existing Ones

Planting and maintaining trees is one of the most significant ways homeowners can improve sustainability. Trees play a very important positive role in the environment because they control air quality and oxygen levels, prevent flooding and pollution, house different wildlife species, and more. This is why tree planting is one of the most popular Earth Day activities!

Homeowners should maintain existing trees by checking in on tree health care. One of the easiest ways is to handle maintenance is to hire a professional tree service company.

Arborists will not only perform tree risk assessments, but they will also provide a variety of helpful maintenance services:

  • Tree trimming
  • Tree pruning
  • Tree removal

Planting and maintenance of trees, whether done alone or by a professional, is one of the most tangible and direct ways for homeowners to help the environment.

5. Encourage Others!

Encouraging other homeowners to also make sustainable changes can multiply homeowners’ impacts on the environment. So start spreading the word to grow sustainability efforts even more!

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service of Vancouver, BC, Canada has been providing residential and commercial tree services since 1990. With over 50 years of combined experience, their team of arborists uses organized, safe, and environmentally conscious practices to serve customers. They offer free, transparent estimations and guaranteed client satisfaction. Give them a call for tree service help today!

Cutting Trees Down-Knowing When The Time is Right


Tree Service Professionals in the Vancouver area share some helpful information about tree trimming services

Are The Trees Ill?

Homeowners aren’t always aware that they have a problem with their trees. Knowing when the right time to cut them down can help prevent the spread of illness through all of the trees on the property. Professional tree trimmers can help resolve this issue. 

It’s not always easy to determine whether or not a tree is ill. There may not be any immediate signs. However, if it’s not treated in a timely manner, it could lead to the sickness and death of other trees and shrubs on the property. 

Common Signs of Trouble

Dead trees are an eyesore, so when homeowners see that they are sick, it’s time to cut them down. They may not always have the means to do it on their own, so this is when they should contact a professional tree trimming company. They will provide the best tree care that a homeowner could get. 

So how can you tell whether or not a tree is sick? Here are some common signs and symptoms: 

  • Dead branches
  • Weak V-shaped branch unions
  • Thick and dense canopies that break easily
  • Deformed leaves
  • Dead sections of bark on limbs or branches
  • Branches and limbs that lean
  • Fungus growth

Is There Fungus Growing?

Fungus growth in garden soil, woodpiles, and healthy landscapes are perfectly normal, but when homeowners see them growing on their tree trunks, this is a sign of an ill tree. Mushroom conks are a clear sign that a tree needs to be removed. This means there’s rot somewhere within the tree if they’re growing on the trunk. If they’re growing on the root flare or on the surface of the roots, this means there’s root rot. 

There is actually more than one type of fungus that can be found on a tree such as: 

  • Lichens
  • Powdery mildew
  • Polyporus alveolaris
  • Ganoderma applanatum
  • Ganoderma Lucidum
  • Armillaria
  • Laetiporus Sulphurous

When the tree fungus begins to spread, it can affect the trees around it. It is spread through spores that are released by wind, rain, and splashing water. 

The tree fungus can be treated by simply preventing the fungal infection. Once they are infected, there’s nothing else to do but have an arborist chop the tree down. 

How About Invasive Roots?

Invasive roots are another issue that can create problems for homeowners. They are a common problem in both residential and commercial settings. These roots can make their way into streets, sidewalks, and even septic lines. They cause a variety of hazards and the only way to resolve the issue is to call a tree service company that specializes in tree removal, tree trimming, and tree health care. 

Why do they need to be cut down though? Well, the answer is simple. Exposed roots make it harder for homeowners to cut the grass around the tree and they pose a walking hazard, especially to children and the elderly. If homeowners are unsure whether or not it’s a hazard, they can contact the professionals to do a tree risk assessment. 

Overplanting & Tight Spaces

Some people may believe that there’s no such thing as too many plants. However, this is actually an issue for trees. When planting a tree, it’s important that it has room to grow and spread its roots. If trees are planted too close together, they may not receive the proper nutrients and can die. 

Air circulation is a crucial part of tree care. If the tree doesn’t have enough air circulation, it can lead to an increase in fungal diseases, which can cause tree and root rot. This will lead to cutting down a tree or multiple trees. 

Other Reasons For Illness

Storm damage is a very common reason why a tree would die. When strong winds come through, it breaks limbs and uproots trees. Additionally, extreme temperature fluctuation can cause illness in trees. 

If a tree is ill from damage to it, these are the signs to look out for: 

  • Dead leaves
  • Black leaves
  • Branch damage
  • Salt damage
  • Cracks from frost
  • Disease
  • Insect invasion

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service is a professional tree company based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They are a smaller company that has been quickly growing. They have over 50 years of experience, give free estimates, have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, 24-hour storm and emergency response, and affordable pricing. 

Things To Know About Evergreen Care in the Winter

Vancouver, BC, Canada locals should know these tips for proper evergreen care. 

Don’t Miss These Maintenance Tips For the Evergreen

It might not be a home appliance, but that evergreen out front requires maintenance just like anything else in and around the home. Evergreen trees are beautiful creatures with the ability to withstand brutal weather conditions when they are properly cared for. The only time brown spots tend to show up on an evergreen is when the tree is in serious need of a little TLC. depending on how much brown the tree has determines whether or not professional assistance is necessary. Fortunately, local professionals have tips to help homeowners maintain their evergreen trees and to know when to call for help!

Continue reading to learn more about how to properly care for evergreens. 

About the Evergreen and Its Response to Weather

Evergreen trees are durable creatures. They don’t require a lot of attention throughout the year and even manage to keep green leaves year-round no matter where they’re planted. Typically, they can adapt to weather changes quickly and effortlessly. This is the main reason they are so durable.

During the winter, they hit a dormant season where not much growth happens. It is recommended that homeowners not prune their evergreens during this time as well. Pruning the tree might seem like the right thing for it, but it actually exposes the tree to the elements. It’s almost as if their coat is taken off their back. They will get too stressed out and could potentially die because of it. 

Another good thing to note is that watering is crucial. If homeowners water too much or too little in the winter, the tree will respond negatively by turning brown. Yes, it’s possible for evergreens to turn brown during the winter. 

Common Reasons They Turn Brown

For the most part, evergreens understand the elements. That said, sometimes evergreens still turn brown. There are ways homeowners can try to prevent this as much as possible, but first, the homeowner has to understand why the problem happens in the first place. 

A few reasons evergreens turn brown during the winter are:

  • Old age
  • Overwatering
  • Underwatering
  • The homeowner didn’t protect the tree before the season began

Adult evergreen trees should only be watered twice a month during the winter, but it’s important to ensure that the water is 2 feet in depth at each watering. 

One great way to protect an evergreen tree during the winter is to lay down a fresh layer of winter mulch. This should give the tree the protection it needs to stay green all winter, but if this doesn’t help, homeowners can also try wrapping the tree. 

How to Fix it

The last thing anyone wants to do is deal with the inconvenience of a tree emergency. Tree servicing professionals understand this, which is why homeowners can first try to restore the green to their evergreen without professionals. 

If the tree only has a small number of brown leaves, the homeowner can try to water the tree or reduce the amount they are watering. If the tree continues to get worse, a professional should be called. 

Usually, this isn’t considered an emergency unless the entire tree is dead. Either way, it is better safe than sorry and professionals may even be able to help the homeowner over the phone depending on the circumstance. 

There’s No Place Like VI Tree Service

They work hard and always make sure their customers are satisfied. The experts at VI Tree Service love the tree care industry. They understand trees in a way most people don’t. Regardless of the questions, they are there to ensure their customers are educated and keep families safe in the process. Call today to schedule service!

Make a “Tree”-iffic New Years Resolution for 2021


VI Tree Service o Vancouver Shares Top New Years Tree Care Tips

If you’re looking to make 2021 an unbelievable year, consider giving your trees some extra TLC. New Years resolutions are all about a fresh start, a new goal, and a better tomorrow – considering that studies show having healthy plants outside improves the health of the people around them, it makes sense to work on improving the quality of your home or business’ leafy outdoor greens. 

Not sure where to start? Take a look at these suggestions on how to protect and improve your foliage’s life in 2021.

Embrace a New Look with Tree Pruning

Plenty of people decide to start the New Year with a new look and say goodbye to the past. Trees benefit from the same idea! Pruning a tree removes the dead, broken, and failing parts of the plant with a precise snip here or there, much the same as a hairstylist revamping your hair!

And, just like you wouldn’t want an amateur chopping off your locks, your trees wouldn’t benefit from an amateur pruning. Pruning a tree too much can kill the plant, and too little can be a pointless endeavour. Working with arborist professionals like VI Tree Service ensures that your plants are pruned to perfection.

But should you wait for spring to have a tree service come by? Certainly not! Trees actually benefit from being pruned in the winter, when pests aren’t around to inhibit their healing from pruning. Pruning in the winter promotes a better growth quality in the spring.

Rejuvenate Plants with Fresh Fertilizer 

Everyone likes to start the New Year off feeling fresh and new. It’s not surprising that vitamin and nutritional supplement sales sky-rocket after January 1st. Trees like getting a healthy dose of vitamins just as much as people do!

Trees can’t take a vitamin pill, though. Fertilizer is the nutritional supplement source for trees and bushes. Fertilizer doesn’t necessarily feed a tree, but it does boost its health by providing the needed nutrients that fuel photosynthesis and the growth processes of the plant. 

Finding the right type of fertilizer for your plants is a service that professional tree care companies like VI Tree Service can provide for you. Not all fertilizers are best for every type of bush or tree, and taking care to find the perfect fertilizer for your tree’s needs will ensure a healthier growth for the year. 

Strengthen the Soil with Composting

Planting a tree takes more than just water and dirt. The soil your tree is planted in is entirely unique, with different needs and demands than soil located in other regions. In fact, soil can actually vary drastically from as short a distance as a mile away! So, how do you know if your soil is optimal for growth?

VI Tree Service and other arborist professionals can conduct a soil test to determine the pH and nutrient content of the soil. After the test, they can tell you exactly the type of soil you have, and what nutrients or materials need to be introduced to improve it. 

Often, the improvement can be achieved with composting. Composting is the art of taking organic material remains, like eggshells, coffee grounds, and fruit rinds, and adding them to the top of your plant and garden soil. The organic material breaks down over time, adding vital nutrients to the soil that improves the life and growth of the plants around it. 

VI Tree Service can recommend the best organic materials to add to your soil depending on its makeup and needs. Soil can be picky, and adding the wrong material can make it harder for your tree or bush to thrive properly. 

Schedule Annual Tree Care and Assessments

Healthcare professionals recommend an annual appointment for a checkup, and so do tree care professionals! Tree health care specialists conduct care during annual assessments. The goal of a good tree care specialist company is to make the foliage of your yard as immaculate, strong, and healthy as possible. 

During an annual tree care assessment with VI Tree Service, you might see them determining if trees need special care like cabling or bracing for support, or pruning off dead branches during their visit. They can even recommend if a stump needs grinding down or pulled from the yard, and are capable of doing that work for you, too. 

Choose a Pro for Your Tree’s Needs

Taking care of trees can be a time-consuming and dangerous task. While snipping off the occasional branch may seem easy enough, doing it on top of a ladder near electric cables can quickly turn any tree pruning service into a challenge. With that in mind, tree care specialists like VI Tree Service recommend working with a professional for tree services. 

A professional arborist company and tree servicer will be licensed and certified to navigate around powerlines, poles, and architecture. They’ll also have the training and expertise necessary to handle the rigorous task of climbing trees, cutting large branches, and getting into the tight spaces required to complete tree-care work. 

The Long History of the Christmas Tree

Arborists in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Share Tips and History of the Christmas Tree

How This Christmas Tradition Got Started and This Year’s Trends

Ever wonder when the tradition of bringing a tree into the home at Christmas started? It seems normal to us now because it’s part of many people’s tradition and has been for years. But this wasn’t always so. And decorating it with lights came years later. But, since trends change and people make their own traditions, it’s good to know what’s hot and what’s not this year. 

No two Christmas trees are the same and every passing year gives people the chance to adopt a new tradition or just try something new for a change! Plus, this article will give homeowners a glimpse of what to do with their tree once the holiday is over. 

A Glimpse of Christmas History

Evergreen plants have held special meaning for cultures all around the world since civilization started. The ancient Egyptians, Romans, Druids, and Vikings all brought evergreen boughs into their homes or hung them over their doors for religious reasons or as symbols. But the tradition as we know it today didn’t start until the 16th century when Christian Germans started to bring trees into their homes. It is thought that the famous Protestant Martin Luther started the tradition of lighting the tree. It is said that he wanted to bring the brilliance of the stars to his family and so decorated his tree with lighted candles. 

Evergreen trees didn’t make their way to Canada until 1781 and didn’t become widespread until the mid 19th century. Ever since then, Christmas trees have become a yearly tradition for Canadians and Americans alike. 

This Year’s Christmas Tree Trends 

Nothing beats the smell of a real Christmas tree in the house. No matter how many air fresheners, candles, or plug-in-fresheners they make, there’s nothing like the real thing. Accordingly, there’s nothing like a white Christmas. Unfortunately, this is a little harder to accomplish without controlling the weather. The next best thing is flocking a tree. Anyone can add this artificial snow to a real or fake tree, as it comes in both spray and powder form. 

Another trend this year is layering the lighting on the Christmas tree. To do this, simply use large retro lights, standard tree lights, and small fairy lights to make the tree bright and festive. In fact, with enough lights on the tree, ornaments become optional. The tree looks good with or without them!

What to do With Your Tree After Christmas

Once the holiday is over it can feel like a waste to just toss the tree. Here are a few things anyone can do with a tree once the holiday is over. 

  • Turn it into mulch for the garden.
  • Use pieces of the trunk for indoor decorations, such as candle holders, or an outdoor bird feeder. 
  • Compost it.
  • Recycle it at a participating garden center. 

Contact your local tree care specialists or tree trimming company and ask them for unique ways to use the tree in your garden or to help our furry friends keep out of the cold. Or, if you want to pot the plant and try to keep it alive, an arborist will be able to give you pointers. Christmas trees are very resilient and can bounce back with proper tree care. 

About VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service is the reliable arborist Vancouver, BC homeowners depend on. Whether it’s assistant with an unruly Christmas tree or routine tree service, their experienced staff offers dependable care backed by years of experience.

What is Shearing and How is it Different From Pruning?

Tree care professionals in Vancouver want to educate homeowners about the proper shearing, pruning and trimming of their trees and hedges. 

What is Shrub and Tree Shearing? 

Trees and shrubs add character to a landscape, but as most people know, they need regular maintenance to keep them looking great and growing healthily. Regular maintenance can include watering, fertilizing, and especially pruning, trimming, and shearing. 

Left alone, most plants will overgrow or grow in a pattern that isn’t helpful for the long-term. Additionally, most trees and shrubs in a landscape require some shaping to keep them aesthetically pleasing. It is for these reasons that processes like shearing and pruning are done. 

How is Shearing Different from Pruning and Trimming?

The terms “pruning,” “trimming,” and “shearing” are all terms that refer to the skillful removal of plant matter. However, the goal and method of each process is different. Shearing refers to the removal of the outermost layer of growth around the whole plant. No attention is paid to removing dead branches or overgrowth. The main goal of shearing is for improving the shape for aesthetic purposes. 

Trimming and pruning focus on removing dead plant matter, enhancing the natural growth habit of a specimen, and thinning out overgrowth so air and light can circulate within the tree or shrub. Often, pruning and shearing methods used in conjunction is the best practice for most trees and shrubs. Employing both methods will ensure that the leaves are growing more densely throughout the shrub, leading to a bushier appearance that is less susceptible to disease or infection. 

What Trees And Plants Benefit From Shearing?

Shearing most often refers to shrubbery and bushes. Shrubs and bushes are usually placed in a landscape because of their potential for shearing into pleasing shapes. Some varieties of small trees can also be trained and sheared into a habit that will make them behave more like shrubs, particularly evergreen varieties. 

Like trimming and pruning, shearing can be excessive. When shearing occurs, the outermost plant growth is repeatedly removed. Periodically, it is important to trim and prune specimens that are repeatedly sheared to keep them growing healthily. 

Why You Should Work With A Professional

Any time plant matter is removed from a tree or shrub there is a risk that damage could occur. While pruning, trimming and shearing are all done with the health of the plant in mind, when they are done improperly it can be detrimental to the plant by allowing bacteria, fungus, and insect infestations to take up residence inside the plant. 

Another common problem from shearing work done by non-professionals is the damage caused by overshearing. When shrubs are repeatedly sheared to the same level, the growth of the plant is concentrated in the outer layers of leaves. This constricts light penetration and air circulation to the inside of the plant. When the outer layer is repeatedly damaged by overshearing, the plant loses the majority of its healthy growth and can go into shock. 

Working with the Best

Working with professionals is important to ensuring that trimming practices are healthy to the plant instead of damaging. VI Tree Service in Vancouver has over 20 years of experience caring for local trees and shrubs. Their crews are experienced and professional and they are ready to handle anything from small projects to large landscaping. 

What Should I Do If My Tree Is Struck By Lightning?

While storms can be beautiful and exciting, they can also be scary and cause significant damage to both the home and the yard. Having a tree get struck by lightning can be a “shocking” experience, so it’s best not to get caught unprepared. Here is some important information that everyone should know so that they will know how to act if a tree is struck.

What Exactly Happens When a Tree Is Struck By Lightning?

The tree damage that happens when a tree is struck by lightning can vary greatly depending on the severity of the strike and where it hits the tree.

An important factor in how well or how poorly a tree does is how much moisture it has inside of it. When lightning strikes the tree, it very quickly heats up the water inside the tree’s cells. This water comes to a boil and creates steam, which is what causes the bark to peel, slide, or even be blown completely off the tree.

On the flip side, sometimes a tree does not show any signs of visible damage on the outside but is much more damaged on the inside. Unfortunately, this is often noticed too late, after the tree has already died. 

What You Can Do

You’re probably wondering, what exactly should I do if my tree is struck by lightning?

The first and most important thing to know is that the electricity created by a lightning strike stays in the ground around the tree for up to a few minutes after the strike. While it may be tempting to run right out and check for any obvious tree damage, that does run the risk of being injured or even killed. Always wait before approaching the tree or, better yet, contact an arborist for more advice before doing anything.

What ultimately happens to the tree is decided by how much damage it took from the strike. Some trees are too far gone and will need to be removed before they become a serious tree hazard. Others can be coaxed back to health by an arborist. It’s also important to note that, although many websites make claims that their homemade recipe can help save the bark or the tree, there is no truth to any of those claims. 

Why You Should Call a Professional

In addition to the potential safety hazards that having a tree get struck by lightning presents, there are other reasons that you should call an arborist right away.

A trained arborist can do a full tree risk assessment, not just of the tree that was struck, but also the other trees on the property. This will not only help decide if tree removal is warranted, but can also help prevent damage to your entire property.

Also, arborists are aware of other preventative measures that can be taken, like tree trimming, cabling, etc. Although we can’t control the weather and storms happen, consulting with a tree service company can help minimize any potential risks, especially if you live in a particularly stormy area.

About  VI Tree Service

VI Tree Service is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They employ certified arborists and hold multiple other qualifications and certifications. Their staff performs tree risk assessments, tree removal/trimming, and emergency tree services.